Collection: Cousette
Created in 2009, Cousette was born from a desire for change. In a context where everything goes quickly, where routine dictates our actions and our choices, Cécilia wanted to change the way we operate. A break outside the imperatives of everyday life, that little moment that we take that is like a gift we give to ourselves. To create with your hands, another desire to put meaning in the middle of a standardized and anonymous environment. After more than 10 years in the world of fashion as a stylist, Cécilia had a simple wish: that family life would be at the heart of life in general. It is an opportunity to transmit, exchange, open up to other universes and dare to make other choices. Cousette is a family story, a site created as a duo, as a couple, as a family — the site was created almost at the same time as the new baby! This desire to give meaning continues with the collections of fabrics and patterns Singulière, because that's what each one is: unique, original, inimitable. Singulière helps you show your desires and your personality!